Using AEM Design Importer for Landing Pages

In this post we will demonstrate the usage of the Landing Page importer on AEM

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Enabling/Disabling Tabs on AEM 6.1 Assets Metadata Schemas using groups

AEM Assets allow us to customize the metadata editor using metadata schemas. In this post we will show how to enable or disable tabs in the schema using groups and permissions

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Configuring SAML SSO on AEM using WSO2 Identity Server

Adobe AEM supports SSO using SAML. In this post we will show how to setup SAML SSO using WSO2 Identity Server as IDP.

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Sightly Date Formatting With Javascript Use API

In this post we will show how to use the Javascript use API for date formatting

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Connect to a MySQL Database from AEM

AEM allows to connect to external RDBMs via JBDC using OSGI bundles. In this posts we will show how to connect to a mysql DB from AEM.

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Create a configurable OSGI Service

OSGI is a key technology on Adobe AEM’s stack. AEM uses Apache Felix as its OSGI container. In this post we will show how to create a Configurable OSGI Service on Apache Felix. A configurable service allows to manage its properties through Apache Felix Web Console. In this example we will use Adobe AEM 6.0, Eclipse as IDE with the AEM Developer Tools for Eclipse, it provides a wizard to create a maven project using the aem archetype. Read On →

Include AdMob Banner on Cocos2d-x Android Game

Hi, In this post we will show a piece of code that will help you to add an admob banner on your cocos2d-x game in android. Firstly, you need to setup the google play services on your app. Then you need to include on your AndroidManifest.xml the Admob activity and the required permissions. <activity android:name="" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|uiMode|screenSize|smallestScreenSize"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/> Then on your Activity, you need to put this piece of code on the onCreate method: Read On →

Redis SORT with Jedis

In this post we will talk about the Redis SORT command. Redis provides the SORT command that we can use to retrieve or store sorted values from a LIST, SET or ZSET. The simplest form we can use the command over a KEY like the example below: SORT numbers_list This will sort the values contained in the key and return them. The command sorts the values as numbers. So, lets say we have a list with the following values: Read On →

Simple Message Queue using Redis

In this posts we will use Redis as a simple message queue, using list commands. Let’s say we have an application that allows the users to upload a photo. Then in the application we display the photo in different sizes like Thumb, Medium and Large. In a first implementation we could have the task of processing the uploaded image in the same request. As it is an expensive task, it would make our requests slow. Read On →

Using an Embedded Tomcat with Maven tomcat plugin

When developing a java web application using the Eclipse WTP, we need to have an installation of tomcat in the machine in order to execute the application. If you are using Maven on your project, you can use the tomcat plugin to run an embedded tomcat installation and test the application. It is very simple as you can see below. OBS: To execute the steps given in this post you need to have installed in your eclipse the m2e plugin. Read On →